Mosquito & Buffalo Gnat

Mosquito and buffalo gnat bites can both be annoying and painful. mosquito bites are typically small, red, and itchy, while buffalo gnat bites are larger and more painful. mosquito bites usually go away on their own, but buffalo gnat bites can often become infected. Mosquito bites are typically caused by female mosquitoes looking for a blood meal to help them produce eggs. Buffalo gnat bites are usually caused by male buffalo gnats looking for a protein-rich meal.
No one likes being bitten by a mosquito. Not only are the bites annoying, but they can also transmit diseases like malaria and Zika virus. Mosquito bites are a common annoyance during the summer months. But mosquito bites aren't just itchy and annoying, they can also be dangerous. mosquito-borne diseases like malaria, Zika virus, and West Nile virus can cause serious illness, and even death.
Mosquito bites usually result in a raised, itchy bump that can be quite uncomfortable. Buffalo gnat bites, on the other hand, tend to be flatter and can cause a burning or stinging sensation. In both cases, the bugs inject saliva into their victims in order to break down skin cells and facilitate feeding. This can often lead to an allergic reaction in humans, resulting in further irritation and swelling.
The best way to avoid mosquito bites is to prevent them in the first place. Both mosquito and buffalo gnat bites can be avoided by wearing long sleeves and pants, using mosquito repellent, and avoiding areas where these insects are known to congregate. Mosquito repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus can all help keep mosquitoes at bay.
Fortunately, there are several effective mosquito bite treatments available. One popular option is to apply calamine lotion or a cooling gel to help soothe the skin. Topical corticosteroid cream or gel to the bite site can help reduce swelling and itching. Another option is to take an antihistamine, which can also relieve itching and may help to prevent mosquito bites in the first place. For severe reactions, oral corticosteroids may be necessary. In addition, it's important to be on the lookout for mosquito-borne diseases, particularly if you live in or are traveling to an area where these illnesses are common. If you develop any flu-like symptoms after being bitten by a mosquito, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible.